Dominik Schüller
Notary and lawyer
1981 Born in Berlin
2002-2006 Law studies (Freie Universität Berlin)
2008-2009 legal clerkship at the Kammergericht, Berlin
since 2009 lawyer in Berlin
since 2012 specialist lawyer for tenancy and residential property law
since 2017 lecturer at the University of Economics and Law (HWR)
Appointment as a notary since 2017
since 2018 specialist lawyer for inheritance law
since 2019 foundation advisor (DAS)
Lawyer Dominik Schüller is married and has two children.
Working languages: German, English
Dominik Schüller works primarily as a notary in all areas of law. As a lawyer, he takes on selected inheritance and real estate law mandates. In the area of tenancy and condominium law, the focus is on advising and drafting contracts. Here he benefits from his many years of experience as a litigator in this area. Attorney Schüller works forensically in the area of tenancy and condominium law, especially in the case of personal termination. In inheritance law, he also supports non-profit organizations in the handling of estates and legacies as well as in the area of fundraising and gives lectures on this topic. The spectrum ranges from classic will advice for the benefit of non-profit organizations to setting up your own foundation.
Lawyer and notary Schüller is a specialist lawyer for inheritance law as well as tenancy and WEG law and a certified foundation advisor. For the University of Economics and Law, he regularly gives lectures on the subject of "Contract drafting in real estate law".
- Rechtsanwaltskammer Berlin (Berlin Bar Association)
- Deutscher Anwaltsverein e.V.
- Mitglied der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Anwaltsnotariat im DAV
- Berliner Anwaltsverein e.V.
- Maklercourtage entfällt bei arglistigen Verkäufern (Grundeigentum 2016, S. 231)
- Die gewerbliche Weitervermietung nach § 565 BGB (juris/AZO, 8/2016)
- Schadensersatz bei fehlerhafter Jahresabrechnung (Grundeigentum 2016, S. __)
- Grundbuchamt muss Unterlagen herausgeben (Grundeigentum 2016, S. ___)
- Verzugszinsen bei Verzug mit dem Anspruch auf Rückzahlung der Mietkaution (juris/AZO, 10/2017)
- Im Streitfall richtig handeln (Der Hausmeister 01/2018)
- Warum man mit der richtigen Vertragsgestaltung seine Immobilie doch an Kinder verschenken kann (Grundeigentum 10/2018, S. 626))
- Beten und Singen im Teileigentum erlaubt (Grundeigentum 12/2018, S. 744)
- Öffentlich-rechtliche Voraussetzung als Voraussetzung einer duldungspflichtigen Modernisierungsmaßnahme (juris/AZO, 3/2019)
- Zwangsvollstreckungsunterwerfung wegen Wohngeldzahlung: Ein verkanntes Instrument oder Haftungsfalle für den Verwalter? (juris/AZO, /2019)
Attorney Schüller regularly publishes amounts on the Legal Tribune website. The complete publications can be found under his author profile (https://www.lto.de/autoren/name/dominik-schueller). A selection follows: BGH on modernization costs for communal property, my window, your window, our window? BGH on termination due to personal use, In case of doubt for the expert opinion BGH on fiscal liability, The state is a special legacy BGH on cosmetic repairs, The tenants win again BGH strengthens tenants' rights No fear of astronomical operating costs BGH protects tenants from termination for sale, Not at any cost BGH on conversion from residential to business premises, personal use is not the same as personal use SPD wants cheaper housing purchases, buyer principle for property brokers will fail.
- Since 2017 lecturer at the University of Economics and Law ("Contract drafting in real estate law")
- regular seminars on the subject of termination for personal use
- In-house seminars on drafting wills
For (non-profit) organizations and associations, lawyer and notary Dominik Schüller also offers internal or external events / seminars on the subject of inheritance and inheritance, inheritance fundraising and provision.